Schitt’s Creek (Seasons 1-5)

TV Show Review

Like with most sitcoms, it usually takes me a couple episodes (or seasons??) to fall in love with it, and this was the case for me with Schitt’s Creek. When I first started watching, I found all of the characters pretty despicable and annoying (especially Alexis LOL), but looking back on it now, the cringe of the first few episodes really makes the character development in the later episodes all the more endearing! Schitt’s Creek is a story about a family of four - Johnny, Moira, David, and Alexis - who used to be filthy rich, but in a turn of events (all captured within the first few seconds of the pilot), loses all of their wealth and ends up living in a motel for free in a fictional town of Schitt’s Creek. It’s sort of a deadbeat town and a borderline countryside/farming community. And despite my mediocre intro in this review, I have to say that I LOVE this show!! I think I only really started wanting to binge it mid-way through Season 2, so it did take me some time to get used to the characters and start falling in love with their personas. I find this show to be both hilarious and heartfelt at the same time, because underneath all the pomp and circumstance of the Rose family, you find that they are genuinely warm and adaptable people. I love watching them build relationships with their community. The whole set of side characters in the town grew on me as well.

I am especially fond of Alexis because I probably hated on her the most at the start of the show. But she really grows a lot as a character, both with developing her career and her personal relationships. There’s one scene I will never stop laughing at - the “A Little Bit Alexis” song - and truly, this scene might make her my favorite character in the series. My second favorite character is Moira because she is probably the most ridiculous and brings me the most laugh-out-loud moments. I love her collection of crazy wigs and the way she says “bebe” instead of “baby.”

I highly recommend this show if you are a fan of sitcoms. It’s definitely going into my list of favorite comedy TV shows, alongside Fleabag, Parks and Rec, & The Office. It’s filled with endearing characters and laugh out loud moments. And there’s still one more season I haven’t watched yet (still airing as I write this review), but I’m going to wait for when the episodes are on Netflix. By the end of the series, I feel like we’re all going to be bawling and sad, because it will be like saying goodbye to one of the best television families out there. But for now, I’m going to keep watching funny clips on YouTube and maybe watch “A Little Bit Alexis” a hundred more times.


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