
Movie Review

Parasite is no doubt a stand-out movie of 2019, and one of the best psychological thrillers I have seen in a long time. Not only does it contain an interesting plot-line and suspense throughout, there are laugh out loud moments of comedy. Trust the hype, because the hype is worth it!

Parasite is a story that explores the relationship between rich and poor - those with opportunity and those without. The main family consists of a dad, a mom, a daughter, and a son, and through a sequence of events (and an epic montage sequence), they end up securing jobs working for a very rich family while also tricking them to believe that they are unrelated. They find means to be employed as a tutor, an art therapist, a driver, and a housekeeper. The story itself is filled with small details illustrating the separation between rich and poor, and there are countless videos and analyses on the internet pointing these out. From each slight tilt of the camera angle to the positioning of each actor in every scene, nothing is insignificant in the art of telling this story. Parasite is able to balance moments of heart-beating anxiety with moments of ridiculousness and comedy. And what I’m about to say isn’t a plot spoiler, but to help illustrate my point, there was a scene in the film where the dad is face-planted on the floor like a cockroach to avoid being seen. While I was so amused by how hilarious he looked and how ridiculous the situation was, at the same time it was so nerve-wracking because you did not want him to get caught. I was entertained and on the edge of my edge of my seat throughout the movie.

Going into this film, I cheated and read the entire synopsis on Wikipedia long before I persuaded myself to stream it at home. I know fans of the movie would find this to be horrible, because everyone says that you should go into this movie with no idea what the plot is so that you have the best experience possible. But regardless, I have no regrets, and I still had an amazing time watching this film! if you are like me and the trailer itself seemed a bit “horror-esque” or scary, I think it’s safe to say that the violence in this film is not too disturbing. Take the initiative to watch it, and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed!




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