
Movie Review

Klaus is a movie that takes on the origin story of Santa Claus, and is apparently Netflix’s first distribution of an animated feature film. They sure know how to start off with a bang! This movie is a cute adventure story about the friendship between a postman and a secluded wood-maker, and how their antics ignite the tradition of Christmas. What is stand-out about this film is the production design and lighting. Every scene contains gorgeous hues and colors that bring the viewer into a kind of winter wonderland. However, as for the story itself, I did not find it to be that unique. The idea of an “origin story of Christmas” feels a bit overdone? It also feels like some scenes are trying too hard to be funny, which is is probably understandable since the humor is geared towards children. What bothered me the most was that Jasper’s, the postman’s, redemption arc didn’t feel genuine. Something about his character feels a bit underdeveloped, and I still find it hard to believe that someone who has never worked a day in his life was able to accomplish the things that he did in the town.

Sure, the 2-D animation is beautiful and memorable, but I think that visual artistry does not completely cover up the fact that the story was not particularly innovative or emotionally gripping. This isn’t a movie I feel inclined to watch over and over again, but I am glad I got to see it once!


Little Women

