Schitt’s Creek S6 TV Show Review: Blubbered Like A Bebe


Schitt’s Creek Season 6 dropped on Netflix this year, and the fact that it swept the comedy awards at the 2020 Emmys probably helped speed that process along :). Your favorite crew is back for a final season, with 14 episodes of hilarity and joy. A quick recap: The Rose family consists of John, Moira, Alexis, and David, and they have lived a majority of their lives rich and spoiled. But after a turn of events, they find themselves stuck in a run-down motel in a middle-of-nowhere town called Schitt’s Creek, and start to adapt and even thrive in their new environment. In terms of S6, I feel like the episodes get progressively better as the season goes along. I wanted to call out that my favorite 2 episodes were Episode 11, “The Bachelor Party,” and the season finale, “Happy Ending.” If you have loved and followed this show, you will most likely feel really emotional in the season finale, just like me! And the rest of this review might contain some spoilers, so if you haven’t watched Schitt’s Creek yet, here’s your SPOILER WARNING now.

Season 6 is ultimately a big lead up to David’s wedding and a separation of the Rose family to pursue their new goals in life. We all knew that Schitt’s Creek was only supposed to be a pit stop for the Roses, and the ultimate goal was to rise from the “ashes” and go back to their “normal lives.” But Schitt’s Creek also turned out to be a big life-changing pit-stop, and each character really grows to understand their values and the things that make them happy. The decisions that these characters make at the end of the season might be a bit surprising! I think that this season is eventful, but to be honest, I feel like most of the character growth had already happened in the previous seasons. This season was almost like a few bonus episodes to showcase how they thrive in each other’s company for a final hurrah.

One character that did surprise me this season was Roland. I thought he was an annoying character from the very beginning of S1, with not too many redeeming qualities. But somehow, in this season, his crazy antics were actually hilarious to me. He had a couple one-liners that really hit home, when in the past, I never really thought they did. So hats off to Roland for his “character growth” as well, or maybe just better comedic timing? The wedding was absolutely gorgeous and hilarious, and major kudos to Catherine O’Hara for her comedic delivery. Her opening line at the wedding had me laughing, but at the same time, I found that I had tears streaming down my face. The final hugs and goodbyes that the characters have on screen were so satisfying to watch, because it was almost like closure for the audience and a chance for us to say goodbye as well. Honestly, such a great season finale!

In conclusion…

Season 6 of Schitt’s Creek is a really endearing conclusion to a show that has brought joy and surprised audiences for years! I love how each character has become so lovable, and I also love that the ending was really sweet and satisfying. You know that each character is off to do their own thing, but instead of feeling extremely sad that the show is over, I’m more so happy for them and ready to say goodbye. Because honestly, with the family separated and in new places, there really won’t be any reason to keep having new seasons of Schitt’s Creek. If you enjoy comedies, I would highly, highly recommend you watch this show :)!


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