Schitt’s Creek Best Wishes, Warmest Regards Review: More Tears!


Schitt’s Creek Best Wishes, Warmest Regards is a sweet little 45 minute companion documentary (on Netflix!) that is great to watch after you finish the entire series. It shares behind-the-scenes footage of filming the final season, as well as the final episode. But most of the 45 minutes is dedicated to the impact of the series as a whole, and how it started out as a little-known sitcom but became an award-winning sensation through word-of-mouth and just great writing. I definitely cried and had a great time watching it, and would recommend!

This little documentary brings in a lot of really random celebrity cameos (or they seem random to me?), like Paula Abdul, Johnny Weir, and Will Arnett. Is there a reason we needed all of these people to attest to why this show is great? I’m not sure…What do they even all have in common? Maybe we’ll never know…Honestly, I feel like that time could have been better served to chat more with the people on the show, such as the show-runners and the producers who are not typically on camera. Other than behind-the-scenes footage and interview segments, this documentary describes the cultural impact that Schitt’s Creek has had. It was definitely heartwarming to see footage of the cast marching in a pride parade and being awestruck by their fans. Oh, I also really enjoyed seeing footage of the initial casting process, and first audition tapes! Any fans of Schitt’s Creek are sure to get a kick out of this little companion piece for sure.

In conclusion…

In 45 minutes, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll feel like this documentary helps bring you closer to the Schitt’s Creek journey. The only thing I didn’t like was all of the random celebrity interviews, because I’d much rather just hear more from the cast and crew themselves. But still definitely worth watching!


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