The Girl He Used to Know

Book Review

The Girl He Used to Know is a romance novel that follows the storyline of a couple who fall in love in college, separate due to an unknown reason (that the book slowly reveals), and find their way back to each other a couple years later. From the first few chapters, I felt like this book was going to be another predictable and boring romance story, but in retrospect, this book was interesting and a real page turner for me. While the main character, Annika, comes off a bit weak and frustrating in the beginning, the novel does a good job unraveling her character and showing significant character development. The last few chapters were especially interesting and kept me on the edge on my seat in fear and anticipation. Overall, this book was more deep and thoughtful than I had anticipated, and I would recommend it as an easy-to-read, modern romance novel.


Violet Evergarden


The Farewell