Marriage Story

Movie Review

Marriage Story is a heartfelt and personal story about a couple whose marriage is falling apart. It is a very “realistic” movie to watch, especially because the cinematography mimics the style of a grainy home-movie recording. I was deeply invested in the characters of Charlie and Nicole, and I found the story to be gripping and intense in subtle ways.

Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver masterfully capture deep emotion and heartbreak, noticeable through all of the close-up camera work. I found it incredible how Scarlett Johansson’s eyes could so easily and naturally well up with tears, and in such a way that I believed every second of her struggle and heartbreak. I particularly found the scene where she was telling her story for the first time to her divorce lawyer (the impeccable Laura Dern) especially memorable. In this scene, you can tell that each shot is fairly long as it follows her long soliloquy from beginning to end without a break. Her storytelling would jump from joy to anger to sadness, and the audience is along for the emotional ride. I also loved that famous scene of Charlie and Nicole arguing in the living room of Charlie’s apartment, as it shows some of the best acting of the movie!

Adam Driver also has an incredible way of blending drama with subtle pokes at humor. I’m not sure if it’s all purposeful, but somehow his tall, lanky figure as it navigates awkward situations draws humor just by merely existing. In any scene where he banters with his son, it almost seems like a comedic break from the rest of the seriousness of the movie. Driver is certainly one of the best actors of our generation, and I could not take my eyes off of his performance.

The story as a whole was heartbreaking and sad to watch. I would not wish such a situation on anyone in the world, but it’s also crazy to think that this story of love and divorce probably happens all the time. We are all hit with hurdles in life that we have to navigate over to land on the other side, no matter how ugly, painful, or smooth the process might be. I loved the ending of Marriage Story, because I think it goes to show that no matter how tricky or dire a situation is, you can always count on the fact that “this too shall pass.” Life is inevitably just a journey of ups and downs…and I am very grateful for the chance to see a story like this one that highlights the pains of marital separation and divorce in such a moving and captivating way. This film hits deep with its expression of human emotion, and even if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I’m pleasantly surprised that it is a story that I will remember for a long time.

